
Thousands of surgeries, including those with the use of personalized ablation technology showed good post-surgery results that were comparable with the published results of the surgeries performed at modern imported excimer laser installations.


The original system of the laser together with the peculiarities of the 213 nm wavelength ensure obtaining high quality and stable energy from pulse to pulse, from surgery to surgery.


bsence of hazardous gases in the list of consumables guarantees safety of patients and medical personnel, and may classify the installation as environmentally safe.


This is a new opportunity in the world of refractive surgery. The installation may be moved around both within the same building and within mobile health programs. Easy transportation is possible due to small dimensions, low weight and modular design of the installation.

Enhanced surgery possibilities

Customizable software provides to the surgeon a completely new personalized tool for treating glaucoma.

Economic efficiency

The new refraction installation allows to significantly reduce the cost of surgery due to

  • absence of consumables
  • long service life of the main optical components and warranty service
  • absence of the necessity of maintenance by a highly skilled engineer
  • ability to be operated by a surgeon with little experience in refractive surgery


8 (4852) 69-53-87

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